Monday, October 29, 2012

TV and Politics

Read this article: What Your Favorite TV Show Says About Your Politics

What do you think?


  1. I never thought about hidden messages that could be put into TV shows. It very smart depending on the kind of viewers that watch the show. It could be a very effective way to get voters and if the campaign people are trying to watch monet this could be a the best way to spend it. I especially think it's important for TV shows that are watched by people who are "swing voters". It is actually a really simple concept that could go a long way.

  2. I believe that this idea is pretty interesting. I found the information in the article to make since and I also found it very intriguing. I had never thought about the fact that what we watch on television could sway how we vote on things. One thing that I found to be coincidental is that both my parents are republican and they love to watch the mentalist, and in the article they said that mainly republicans watch the mentalist.

  3. Well, I guess I can say I never thought they were looking into what kind of people watch what kind of shows and what kind of people make up those shows. I find it interesting that they look into literally everything for their voters and how to get more voters. I honestly think it's pretty smart to look at it like that, and I can see why they would want to do that, but I also think it's a little devious. Smart, yet devious. I kind of respect that. Smart thinking candidates.

  4. I think that it is pretty cool how the campains have microtargeted specific groups to target their adds. It seems like they have turned campaining into a spefic science. I think it is also a little sad that only a certain percent of the population is important to these campains and if you live in a certain state or happen to be a different demografic the campains don't care about you.

  5. I think that it is very possible that TV shows have an impact on how people vote. So many people are undecided on what they believe in politics, so the smallest thing can make them vote one way or the other. TV stars are idolized by fans all the time. If the fans see that their favorite TV stars are voting one way, there is a large chance this will influence their thoughts as well. I think that incorporating persuasive elements in a show could prove to be very helpful for the candidate that the TV star endorses.

  6. I find it interesting that people with certain political standpoints tend to watch the same television shows. Although many political ads give out false information, I think the strategy of showing these ads during shows that tend to draw an audience that needs to be persuaded is very smart.

  7. I find these facts interesting. I had noticed the trend in who tends to watch certain shows. I think certain people tend to watch certain things because it fits with their values or views, or general tastes. So I don't think it's purely coincidental in most cases. I think if a person fits the mold of the stereotypical conservative or liberal, then these trends will most definitely reflect, but I think it just depends in some cases.

  8. I think this is a smart way to engage voters. Not many people are eager to watch endless political ads all over the place. By playing ads targeted at specific audiences candidates are getting the most out of their ads. Instead of playing ads everywhere hoping that somewhere someone notices and may or may not vote for them, they can just see who is most likely and what shows they watch. I'm surprised that it has actually taken them this long to realize this(Unless this article is just restating previous studies).

  9. I think that it a very general overstatement to that only certain groups watch certain shows on television. However, I find it difficult to disagree with some of the preconceived notions. It is interesting to see what TV shows channel certain demographics. It was a perspective I had not thought of before.

  10. I do not think it is the show itself that tries to promote one side over the other but the characters or actors themselves. I think the actors probably try to insert their opinions here and there to sway someone's opinion. They try to personally persuade rather than as a show. I think the reason basketball tends to be more favored by Democrats is the fact that Obama, who is a Democrat, plays basketball as one of his big hobbies so there is a conenction there. However, I really do not there is a connection between sports and politics because people from both parties watch sports. It is just a matter of interest in one sport or another. Overall, tv shows might favor one party over the other just based on what the show is about and what may happen in it.

  11. I do not think that our favorite t.v. shows indicate things about our political views. I rate t.v. shows based upon the content they provide, not the political views that the share. However, if the t.v. shows were sending subconcious messages, then I guess I wouldn't really be able to tell if the show had political ties. If my favorite t.v. shows do have political ties right now, then they are doing an excellent job of hiding them.

  12. This article was talking about how when it comes down to it, people who have the same ideals and opinions watch the same tv shows. More conservitive people might watch one type of show while more liberal people may like another show better. They said that they can predict the pole results on the number of hits of a certain show. It may be true that more conservitive people will like a show more but I do not quite see the connection of how that means they will show up to vote the day of election. I feel like this whole article was a very broad generalization. It could be true and work out like they say however there are many cloudy areas that do not convince me of the probability.

  13. I think that the ad was very relative to how we as Americans work. The television shows we decide to watch naturally abide to our personality. The more rebellious tend to not vote and the more the shows settle down the more liberal the viewers become

  14. The article was talking about the general audiences that watch certain television shows. It said that certain parties tend to sway towards watching shows. I feel like the entire article was just a broad generalization, and it is not very accurate. I was not very intrigued by the article because I feel like it was almost a waste of time to do research on this topic. The article was kind of confusing to me, possibly because I had a hard time staying focused on what it was saying. I feel as though some people spend way too much time worrying about these unimporant aspects of politics, rather than the real message the candidates are trying to get across.

  15. I never thought about hidden messages within a TV show before, but I think that this could be a good way for candidates to get people to vote for them. With the majority of people if a big TV star is for a certain candidate in a TV show, and they happen to like the TV star then it will most likely affect their decision on who to vote for.

  16. I do not really watch TV shows that often. I have a certain show that I watch every week, but I don't watch it because I am for a certain party or because i believe a certain thing. I just watch it because I like the show. I think people just have way too much time on their hands and need to stop thinking too far into things. Just because someone watches a certain show or does certain things, does not mean they are going to vote a certain way.

  17. I think what they are saying is that they can predict what group will vote and who they will vote for based on the television shows that they watch. I do not think that this is a very good thing to be spending time and resources on. I think that looking into studies and things such as these waste a lot of time. Everyone is going to know the outcome of the election soon enough, why waste time trying to predict it now? I also do not think that this is a good way to predict voters. Even though they seem to be accurate about what races and political parties watch certain shows, they can have no way of knowing who is going to show up to vote. Just because a person watches the gold channel does not mean they will show up to the polls to vote for Romney. The amount of time spent on trying to predict the outcome of the campaign is all being wasted, because is it really gonna matter if one guy "predicted" the outcome of the election in a couple of months?

  18. I think it is interesting that they can determine whether more Republicans of Democrats watch a show. I think it is true that people tend to watch shows that agree with what they think and believe. I think it can be very helpful for the candidates to know what audience needs to be persuaded so they can focus more money and ads into that show.

  19. I think that blogger is being ridiculously frustrating today. Other than that, I find it amusing that so many people of the same political viewpoints watch the same television show. Also, I think the statistics are interesting but not always effective. For example, I watch plenty of shows, but I am not in a specific demographic. Also, I tend to not pay attention to commercials when I do watch television, so they aren't completely useful.

  20. I think this article is very interesting. I understand the thought process that those who are putting ads on TV want to spend their money wisely and knowing what TV shows that political parties watch can help pinpoint the group of people they want their ad to be seen by. I think that basing how someone is going to vote based on what TV shows they watch is a bit of a stretch, but there probably is some truth in it. I do not see this as being a campaign winning or deciding factor in any election.

  21. I totally agree with the claim that television shows do create a bias in who they want to elect for president and how often they secretly express their opinions about politics throughout their tv show. I have even caught some of the shows i watch whenever they secretly put down a candidate or make fun of one of their beliefs. One popular show known for making fun of certain political figures is Saturday Night Live. Just from watching the show a few times, you can tell that staff is in favor of the democratic side more than the republican side. There is about an equal number of tv shows that favor each of the sides, and i feel that they do have a somewhat power in which way someone votes, especially being undecided. Overall, I agree with the author of the text when he says that tv can definitely be a deciding factor in how one votes.


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