A blog that chronicles the learning of a group of high school Advanced Placement English Language and Composition students and their teacher.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Are Politics Important?
Should we care about politics? Why or why not? Do people have to responsibility in a democracy to be politically informed, even if they are ineligible to vote?
After answering the post, take this survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RBYYN9R
Yes, polotics are important. Even though people below the age of 18 are inelgigable to vote, it is still important to know what is going on in your country. It's important to know about the people who are running the country for us and what they are doing. Even though we are not able to vote, we can still create our own opinions about everything going on and what we think should be done. That also makes it easier to understand and make it easier to make a decision when we are able to vote. People also say that we (the young people) are the only ones who can make a change. So if we are "in the know" with everything then we may be able to make a change as young people.
We should care about politics because the results from political events determine how our country is going to be run. We should be politically informed even if we're not eligible to vote because we live in this country so the outcomes still effect us. You don't have to know everything going on, but knowing some will help you understand what is happening in your country.
I believe that we should care about politics because the responsibility that our governing bodies have is immense and if an unqualified person is put in charge there could be bad consequences. I think that everyone should be informed but at a younger age I feel as if they should not be as informed as we are. When you are older but still ineligible to vote, I think that you should pay attention and actually listen to presidential debates and do some research of your own to decide how exactly you want to vote.
I think that everyone should be educated in politics. Right now, so many people are voting blindly which causes our country to be under the control of someone who may not be the best fit for what our coutnry needs right now. Even if someone is ineligable to vote they might be someday, and so they should be educated on it. I believe that since we are a democracy in order to keep it running properly everyone needst to be well-informed to truly know what we need, and to keep the democracy running smoothly.
To me, politics are not all that important. I'm not saying that I do not care, I just do not feel the need to be constantly informed about them. They just don't interest me. I think some people should vote, however, if you are not informed and really don't know whats going on in politics, then i feel that you shouldn't vote because you don't really know what you are voting for and it could go against what you think.
I think we should care about politics because it is important for our country to run properly. If someone is elected into office that is not necessarily good for our country then problems could start occuring and add up over time making bad things happen within our country. I believe that it is each individuals choice wether or not they want to vote for someone to be elected into office. If one does not like any of the candidates then I believe they should not vote. I do however believe that if one does not know anything about the current election than the individuals should not vote at all.
I believe that we, as the United States who get to have a say in our political choosing, should care about politics. However, some people do not care about politics and what happens in our country as some people, such as myself, are simply not interested in politics and cannot get into learning about our country and what is going on. I believe that people do not have a responsibility to be politically informed, but they do have the right to be politically informed even if they are ineligible to vote. Everyone should have a say in our countries politics and should be able to be well informed about what is going on as a right they have, but they should not be responsible for being informed because as mentioned before, some people are just not interested in politics and the country.
We should care about politics. The laws and bills that are proposed and passed affect us so we should be aware and educated about politics so we can know what is going on in the government. I believe people should be responsible for being informed about the topics the candidates talk about and their beliefs even if they are not eligible to vote. I think that people who are eligible to vote should become even more aware of the issues that each candidate presents.
I do believe that we should care about politics to be informed about the world and the state of the nation's economy. Politics is a very tricky, yet interesting and informative topic in today's society, but is very helpful and gives us a wide range of opinion in who should run our country. On the down side, politics, lately, has been very controversial because no one party can be right or wrong. Opinions are the basis of politics such as healthcare reforms and if a women should have the choice about her body and abortion. I do believe people have a responsibility in a democracy to be politically informed, because if not, those people could make a "dumb" decision on who should run our country based on our personal beliefs. Even if they are ineligible to vote, it is always good to be well informed about your opinions, since our country does allow freedom of speech and press. These freedoms could be used wisely to help persuade others to the same opinions as your own.
Yes, we should. We should care because the fate of our country is in an essence lying in the presidents hands, as well as all the other officers we vote in. Our nation could all go crashing down with one bad vote, or our nation could be very efficent and on top. Although I find politics boring, they are important for our nation's future. Yes, at a young age everyone needs to understand our government, so when they become of age, they knmow what they want and are able to form an opinion on the government of their time. Being able to hold a conversation about our nation's well being, is very intelligent and can make anyone sounds very informed. Although, I am not implying that kids need to study our government inside and out to understand what they want, but need to at least have a general idea of what may be going on.
In many ways I believe it is imporant to be informed and understand politics. We as citizens of the United States have the privlage to pick out leaders. People in other countires do not have this same right. As americans, we have a respoicibility to keep our rights acitive. This also means that since we should vote, people need to be informed about what is going on. It would not be a very good idea to pick a leader based on a small about of information. People should start paying attention to politics at a young age so then they can have a more established platform of ideas that they really care about, and it will not just be from what is happening now, but their vote will also be based on what happened in the past.
Now I do find it very hard to pe interested and stay informed as a teenager even though I know it is the best opition. There are always to many discrepiencies that it getts rather boring listening to they same arguements last for months. It is important to keep your ears open for new developments, yet I do find it difficult to stay actively involved in what is going on in the poliitical world.
Politics are very important because the leadership of this country depends on the way we vote. The leadership decides how much we are taxed and how that money is spent. If we don't pay attention to these things than how are we going to know if the government is doing things that we argee with. The people we vote into office can make or break this country and potientialy alter our way of life.
I think it is extremely important for people to be informed about and to care about politics. I think there are too many people in today's world that do not know enough about the issues in the world and in our country. If not enough people know about the problems our country faces, then that only leaves the few that care to make the important decisions and run our country. I think there are too many people who take a side on politics that haven't researched it enough to have an opinion about it. This is important becuase if people are underinformed, then they will vote for whoever seems like the more attractive leader. This leads to a country run by someone unqualified and probalby inexperienced. I think people do have responsibilty in a democracy to be informed. If they are not informed then they are just allowing someone else to make very important decisions for them.
I think everyone should care about politics. Why they might not be entertaining or necessarily fun, they directly affect the lives of all citizens. People shouldn't just ignore politics because they think they are annoying because whatever candidate gets voted into offices has a ton of power over our government and can make decisions that affect each citizen whether that be positively or negatively. I think everyone, even those ineligible to vote have a responsibility to be politically informed. Even if a person can't vote they should still know the candidates and their positions. The ineligible people can still help campaign for a candidate or let people know why they are in support of a candidate so that since they don't have a vote, they are still supporting a candidate that they believe will be the best for them.
Everyone should care about politics at least a little bit. It is important to know how the country you live in is being run. Obviously, little kids don't really have to care about politics because most don't understand at a young age. But as someone becomes a teenager and continues to grow into a young adult, they need to know what is going on. Now people who can vote should definitely care about politics that way they know how to make a responsible vote. Overall, I would it is important to care about some politics because I would like to know what is going on and how the country I live in is being run.
I think we should care about politics because they outline our community as a whole. Whoever we choose to represent our country, even city will put off the image of our organization as a whole. Their belefs outline all of our beliefs basically. People have the responsibility to be informed even if not eligible to vote. Even if you can't vote, you can influence others by your knowledge of the candidates and what the country needs. You can put out your opinion and your reasonings for your beleifs if you take responsibility to inform yourself and others.
Politics is an important topic for people of all ages to be knowledgeable about. The more knowledgeable one is on the issues of our country, the better they can voice their opinions. The more information you know on a topic, the more capable you are of making an educated decision. People do have a responsibility to be politically informed. If one is not informed enough to vote, they can not fairly criticize the government when the government does not act in a manner they foresee best.
Everyone should care about politics for various reasons. Politics are what keep the country either sound or completely corrupt. Because our country is a democracy, the citizens do have a huge responsibility that they cannot take advantage of. It is obviously important for the voting population to be aware and informed of politics because our country depends on it. Although it may not seem as though the population who is ineligable to vote should not have a reason to care, there are many ways in which they will benefit. It is helpful for the non voting population to be aware because it will help them be able to make a proper decision regarding an election when they can vote. Also, it is important to be aware of the general issues in the world, decisions one agrees and disagrees with, and the type of personel it takes to be a president. If these aspects of politics can be learned when one cannot yet vote, he or she will be much more likely to be more informed when the vote actually counts.
Everybody should care about politics, especially in their own country. A lot of people in today's society do not understand politics so they blindly follow who think has the best ideas. With the elections going on right now, people are aimlessy believing everything the candidate they like says. They do not know that the candidate wanting to to do this can effect somthing else that is valuable to them. I believe that everyone should be informed about what is going on in the government. In a demmocracry like we have, the government is headed by elected officials of the people. If we are not informed on what our government is doing, then the people have no input on what is going on. It s also good for people who are not able to vote because of age. They are the future of the country and should know what might eventually happen in the future due to current events.
Adults should care about politics. It doesn't hurt for teens to take interest in politics, because it helps prepare them for the future, but they should not feel too strongly about their political opinions because they do not matter. I do not mean this in a cruel way. It is a fact. The opinions of underage citizens do not matter because they can not vote and express their opinions. Adults should care about politics because they are able to express their opinions. People are responsible to be informed, at least enough to make a logical decision and not just randomly pick a candidate. Those ineligible to vote do not have a responsiblility to be informed, such as those under 18 or those without the right to vote, but it may be beneficial to be informed. Staying informed keeps one up to date on the goings on of his or her country, whether or not he or she could vote.
I believe that we should care about politics because politics affect our lives directly. Politics are directly related to our everyday lives. Every time you walk into school or into work you are being effected by politics one way or another. It is important to know what is going on in the country so you can help the nation become a better place. Yes, the reason we have a democracy is so the country has a say in their lives. Even if you ineligible to vote, you may be affecting someone who is eligible. It is important to know what it happening politically in the country, and in the world, because government affects so many aspects of our lives. If citizens begin to inform themselves at an early age they will in turn be much more aware of the problems the country is facing and they will no their stand politically. Teenagers or adults who are ineligible to vote cannot just ignore politics as a whole. Everyone should at least be informed in some way so they now why the government works the way that it does. Politics are such a major aspect of adult life and it is very important to find your personal stand in politics.
I believe that we all should care about politics. Even if we do not enjoy the aspect of politics, it is always going to be around. Too many people go to the polls and play "eenie meeni minie moo" and just randomly choose a candidate. This ultimately will not help us as a nation at all and eventually just lead us to destruction. I think not caring about politics is a very selfish thing to do. If we are not politically informed, we cannot help vote to help our country. Voting for a candidate at random only hurts our chances as a country of improving and helping ourselves out as citizens of this country. It is for our own benefit to be politically informed. This way we can not only understand what is going on in our country, but help us make the right decision for the candidate that best shows what we want for our country. Even those who are not of age to vote should still want to pay attention and understand the politics because before they know it it will be them who are voting. Paying attention and understanding now before one can vote legally will only better focus their decision on who to vote for.
I believe that we should care about politics, because politics are what essentially run the country. Even though the political system that we have in the U.S. rarely functions perfectly, the political process gives us a way to run our country in an organized manner. Without an organized political system, the government would be nothing but a group of people trying to best one another and gain power, regardless of what it does to the country. So, the government would basically be the same, it would just be less organized. I believe that people do need to take responsibility in a democracy, regardless of whether or not they can vote. People need to be able to think through all of the propaganda that campaigns throw at them, regardless of eligibility, so that when the time comes, people will know how to make an educated choice.
We should all care about polotics because the political officials make decisions that have effects on our life. We are also represented by our political officials in other countries. People don't have a responsibility to be politically educated but they should be educated if they care about themselves.
I believe that we should care about politics because politics provide the basis for our present-day lives and the many benefits and limitations that come with it. It is also an integral part in how we live, and our futures. I also think that people NEED to be educated rather than simply throwing out opinions based on things they have heard from their parents or friends. I think by being more politically informed, people are able to make better decisions as to what they believe in. While I believe that everyone should have a basic understanding of politics and our government, I think that if people simply don't care or bother and complain; they're merely getting what they give in return for their negligence.
Yes, polotics are important. Even though people below the age of 18 are inelgigable to vote, it is still important to know what is going on in your country. It's important to know about the people who are running the country for us and what they are doing. Even though we are not able to vote, we can still create our own opinions about everything going on and what we think should be done. That also makes it easier to understand and make it easier to make a decision when we are able to vote. People also say that we (the young people) are the only ones who can make a change. So if we are "in the know" with everything then we may be able to make a change as young people.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about politics because the results from political events determine how our country is going to be run. We should be politically informed even if we're not eligible to vote because we live in this country so the outcomes still effect us. You don't have to know everything going on, but knowing some will help you understand what is happening in your country.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should care about politics because the responsibility that our governing bodies have is immense and if an unqualified person is put in charge there could be bad consequences. I think that everyone should be informed but at a younger age I feel as if they should not be as informed as we are. When you are older but still ineligible to vote, I think that you should pay attention and actually listen to presidential debates and do some research of your own to decide how exactly you want to vote.
ReplyDeleteI think that everyone should be educated in politics. Right now, so many people are voting blindly which causes our country to be under the control of someone who may not be the best fit for what our coutnry needs right now. Even if someone is ineligable to vote they might be someday, and so they should be educated on it. I believe that since we are a democracy in order to keep it running properly everyone needst to be well-informed to truly know what we need, and to keep the democracy running smoothly.
ReplyDeleteTo me, politics are not all that important. I'm not saying that I do not care, I just do not feel the need to be constantly informed about them. They just don't interest me. I think some people should vote, however, if you are not informed and really don't know whats going on in politics, then i feel that you shouldn't vote because you don't really know what you are voting for and it could go against what you think.
ReplyDeleteI think we should care about politics because it is important for our country to run properly. If someone is elected into office that is not necessarily good for our country then problems could start occuring and add up over time making bad things happen within our country. I believe that it is each individuals choice wether or not they want to vote for someone to be elected into office. If one does not like any of the candidates then I believe they should not vote. I do however believe that if one does not know anything about the current election than the individuals should not vote at all.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we, as the United States who get to have a say in our political choosing, should care about politics. However, some people do not care about politics and what happens in our country as some people, such as myself, are simply not interested in politics and cannot get into learning about our country and what is going on. I believe that people do not have a responsibility to be politically informed, but they do have the right to be politically informed even if they are ineligible to vote. Everyone should have a say in our countries politics and should be able to be well informed about what is going on as a right they have, but they should not be responsible for being informed because as mentioned before, some people are just not interested in politics and the country.
ReplyDeleteWe should care about politics. The laws and bills that are proposed and passed affect us so we should be aware and educated about politics so we can know what is going on in the government. I believe people should be responsible for being informed about the topics the candidates talk about and their beliefs even if they are not eligible to vote. I think that people who are eligible to vote should become even more aware of the issues that each candidate presents.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that we should care about politics to be informed about the world and the state of the nation's economy. Politics is a very tricky, yet interesting and informative topic in today's society, but is very helpful and gives us a wide range of opinion in who should run our country. On the down side, politics, lately, has been very controversial because no one party can be right or wrong. Opinions are the basis of politics such as healthcare reforms and if a women should have the choice about her body and abortion. I do believe people have a responsibility in a democracy to be politically informed, because if not, those people could make a "dumb" decision on who should run our country based on our personal beliefs. Even if they are ineligible to vote, it is always good to be well informed about your opinions, since our country does allow freedom of speech and press. These freedoms could be used wisely to help persuade others to the same opinions as your own.
ReplyDeleteYes, we should. We should care because the fate of our country is in an essence lying in the presidents hands, as well as all the other officers we vote in. Our nation could all go crashing down with one bad vote, or our nation could be very efficent and on top. Although I find politics boring, they are important for our nation's future. Yes, at a young age everyone needs to understand our government, so when they become of age, they knmow what they want and are able to form an opinion on the government of their time. Being able to hold a conversation about our nation's well being, is very intelligent and can make anyone sounds very informed. Although, I am not implying that kids need to study our government inside and out to understand what they want, but need to at least have a general idea of what may be going on.
ReplyDeleteIn many ways I believe it is imporant to be informed and understand politics. We as citizens of the United States have the privlage to pick out leaders. People in other countires do not have this same right. As americans, we have a respoicibility to keep our rights acitive. This also means that since we should vote, people need to be informed about what is going on. It would not be a very good idea to pick a leader based on a small about of information. People should start paying attention to politics at a young age so then they can have a more established platform of ideas that they really care about, and it will not just be from what is happening now, but their vote will also be based on what happened in the past.
ReplyDeleteNow I do find it very hard to pe interested and stay informed as a teenager even though I know it is the best opition. There are always to many discrepiencies that it getts rather boring listening to they same arguements last for months. It is important to keep your ears open for new developments, yet I do find it difficult to stay actively involved in what is going on in the poliitical world.
Politics are very important because the leadership of this country depends on the way we vote. The leadership decides how much we are taxed and how that money is spent. If we don't pay attention to these things than how are we going to know if the government is doing things that we argee with. The people we vote into office can make or break this country and potientialy alter our way of life.
ReplyDeleteI think it is extremely important for people to be informed about and to care about politics. I think there are too many people in today's world that do not know enough about the issues in the world and in our country. If not enough people know about the problems our country faces, then that only leaves the few that care to make the important decisions and run our country. I think there are too many people who take a side on politics that haven't researched it enough to have an opinion about it. This is important becuase if people are underinformed, then they will vote for whoever seems like the more attractive leader. This leads to a country run by someone unqualified and probalby inexperienced. I think people do have responsibilty in a democracy to be informed. If they are not informed then they are just allowing someone else to make very important decisions for them.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone should care about politics. Why they might not be entertaining or necessarily fun, they directly affect the lives of all citizens. People shouldn't just ignore politics because they think they are annoying because whatever candidate gets voted into offices has a ton of power over our government and can make decisions that affect each citizen whether that be positively or negatively. I think everyone, even those ineligible to vote have a responsibility to be politically informed. Even if a person can't vote they should still know the candidates and their positions. The ineligible people can still help campaign for a candidate or let people know why they are in support of a candidate so that since they don't have a vote, they are still supporting a candidate that they believe will be the best for them.
ReplyDeleteEveryone should care about politics at least a little bit. It is important to know how the country you live in is being run. Obviously, little kids don't really have to care about politics because most don't understand at a young age. But as someone becomes a teenager and continues to grow into a young adult, they need to know what is going on. Now people who can vote should definitely care about politics that way they know how to make a responsible vote. Overall, I would it is important to care about some politics because I would like to know what is going on and how the country I live in is being run.
ReplyDeleteI think we should care about politics because they outline our community as a whole. Whoever we choose to represent our country, even city will put off the image of our organization as a whole. Their belefs outline all of our beliefs basically. People have the responsibility to be informed even if not eligible to vote. Even if you can't vote, you can influence others by your knowledge of the candidates and what the country needs. You can put out your opinion and your reasonings for your beleifs if you take responsibility to inform yourself and others.
ReplyDeletePolitics is an important topic for people of all ages to be knowledgeable about. The more knowledgeable one is on the issues of our country, the better they can voice their opinions. The more information you know on a topic, the more capable you are of making an educated decision. People do have a responsibility to be politically informed. If one is not informed enough to vote, they can not fairly criticize the government when the government does not act in a manner they foresee best.
ReplyDeleteEveryone should care about politics for various reasons. Politics are what keep the country either sound or completely corrupt. Because our country is a democracy, the citizens do have a huge responsibility that they cannot take advantage of. It is obviously important for the voting population to be aware and informed of politics because our country depends on it. Although it may not seem as though the population who is ineligable to vote should not have a reason to care, there are many ways in which they will benefit. It is helpful for the non voting population to be aware because it will help them be able to make a proper decision regarding an election when they can vote. Also, it is important to be aware of the general issues in the world, decisions one agrees and disagrees with, and the type of personel it takes to be a president. If these aspects of politics can be learned when one cannot yet vote, he or she will be much more likely to be more informed when the vote actually counts.
ReplyDeleteEverybody should care about politics, especially in their own country. A lot of people in today's society do not understand politics so they blindly follow who think has the best ideas. With the elections going on right now, people are aimlessy believing everything the candidate they like says. They do not know that the candidate wanting to to do this can effect somthing else that is valuable to them.
ReplyDeleteI believe that everyone should be informed about what is going on in the government. In a demmocracry like we have, the government is headed by elected officials of the people. If we are not informed on what our government is doing, then the people have no input on what is going on. It s also good for people who are not able to vote because of age. They are the future of the country and should know what might eventually happen in the future due to current events.
Adults should care about politics. It doesn't hurt for teens to take interest in politics, because it helps prepare them for the future, but they should not feel too strongly about their political opinions because they do not matter. I do not mean this in a cruel way. It is a fact. The opinions of underage citizens do not matter because they can not vote and express their opinions. Adults should care about politics because they are able to express their opinions. People are responsible to be informed, at least enough to make a logical decision and not just randomly pick a candidate. Those ineligible to vote do not have a responsiblility to be informed, such as those under 18 or those without the right to vote, but it may be beneficial to be informed. Staying informed keeps one up to date on the goings on of his or her country, whether or not he or she could vote.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should care about politics because politics affect our lives directly. Politics are directly related to our everyday lives. Every time you walk into school or into work you are being effected by politics one way or another. It is important to know what is going on in the country so you can help the nation become a better place. Yes, the reason we have a democracy is so the country has a say in their lives. Even if you ineligible to vote, you may be affecting someone who is eligible. It is important to know what it happening politically in the country, and in the world, because government affects so many aspects of our lives. If citizens begin to inform themselves at an early age they will in turn be much more aware of the problems the country is facing and they will no their stand politically. Teenagers or adults who are ineligible to vote cannot just ignore politics as a whole. Everyone should at least be informed in some way so they now why the government works the way that it does. Politics are such a major aspect of adult life and it is very important to find your personal stand in politics.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we all should care about politics. Even if we do not enjoy the aspect of politics, it is always going to be around. Too many people go to the polls and play "eenie meeni minie moo" and just randomly choose a candidate. This ultimately will not help us as a nation at all and eventually just lead us to destruction. I think not caring about politics is a very selfish thing to do. If we are not politically informed, we cannot help vote to help our country. Voting for a candidate at random only hurts our chances as a country of improving and helping ourselves out as citizens of this country. It is for our own benefit to be politically informed. This way we can not only understand what is going on in our country, but help us make the right decision for the candidate that best shows what we want for our country. Even those who are not of age to vote should still want to pay attention and understand the politics because before they know it it will be them who are voting. Paying attention and understanding now before one can vote legally will only better focus their decision on who to vote for.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should care about politics, because politics are what essentially run the country. Even though the political system that we have in the U.S. rarely functions perfectly, the political process gives us a way to run our country in an organized manner. Without an organized political system, the government would be nothing but a group of people trying to best one another and gain power, regardless of what it does to the country. So, the government would basically be the same, it would just be less organized. I believe that people do need to take responsibility in a democracy, regardless of whether or not they can vote. People need to be able to think through all of the propaganda that campaigns throw at them, regardless of eligibility, so that when the time comes, people will know how to make an educated choice.
ReplyDeleteWe should all care about polotics because the political officials make decisions that have effects on our life. We are also represented by our political officials in other countries. People don't have a responsibility to be politically educated but they should be educated if they care about themselves.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should care about politics because politics provide the basis for our present-day lives and the many benefits and limitations that come with it. It is also an integral part in how we live, and our futures. I also think that people NEED to be educated rather than simply throwing out opinions based on things they have heard from their parents or friends. I think by being more politically informed, people are able to make better decisions as to what they believe in. While I believe that everyone should have a basic understanding of politics and our government, I think that if people simply don't care or bother and complain; they're merely getting what they give in return for their negligence.