Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Read this article: Who will do more?

This ad aired 2 days ago and is still on the air.  If he knows that it's not factually true, why doesn't Romney pull the ad?  Why make it in the first place?  Did you believe the ad before reading the article about it?  Why do politicians tell blatant lies, especially since there are so many people who can, and will, get the facts out?  At this point in the campaign, does it even matter that the ad isn't true?


  1. He is keeping this on ad on air because not everyone knows that it is not factual. This ad, even though lying, can persaude a lot of voters to change their positions on the candidate they like. That is the reason why they originally made it, because they could easily get away with some more votes by lying to the people. I personally knew that it was mostly lies in the first place due to my own knowledge of what is going on in the political and bussiness world. The way they did the ad was to get the vote from the not-so informed citizens. It is an easy way to gain popularity and votes off of lying.

  2. Romney doesnt pull the ad because he wants to persuade people with lies so that they vote for Romney's campaign instead of Obama's. He makes it to put spin on people so that even though it is false information, some people WILL in fact believe the false claims told, and therefore vote for Romney. Even if ads do contain false information, candidates often use spin to create an advantage in the campaign. No i did not believe the ad because i have learned to find the true information about each piece of rhetoric before discovering an opinion about it. Politicians tell lies because it helps their campaign sound more reliable if they trash talk their opponent and influence voters to believe what the politician says. Even if people can get the truth out, some people stick with their original opinions if they are hard headed and or do not care about finding facts. I do not think the ad matters anymore since mostly everyone has formed an opinion about who they think is the better candidate for president.

  3. Maybe Romney thought that not many people would check the facts of the ad or that with the election so close people wouldn't care to check, or he just wanted to get one last good ad out before the election. I did believe the article a little bit because they mentioned fact-checkers adn so that made me think that it was credible. I think that candidates lie because there are some people that will check the facts, but then there are also some people who won't ever know the facts. I think that witht eh election so close, facts don't really seem to matter.

  4. Romney does not pull the ad because it helps him in the running for president. Even though it is not factually true, Romney keeps it going because it helps what Obama says makes Romney bad. It was probally made because Obmama and citizens believe Roney doesn't care about middle class jobs and doesn't have a great plan. This supports Romney in saying he has a leginimate plan an cares. No I did not believe the ad because it said bad things about Obama that I beleive Obama is strong at, like creating jobs. I think poloticians tell these lies because it helps them out. Many citizens don't fact check and just listen to the ads and debates. As soon as a person hears something they like I think they are stuck on that candidate. I think that since it is so close to the election the ads aren't mattering much because most citizens are decided.

  5. The ad has not been pulled because lies are a common occurance in the political world. It was made in the first place because it was persuasive and people would believe the ad, thus voting for Romney. I did not believe the ad before reading the article because I generally am very skeptic of the lies in the political commericials. Politicians tell blatant lies solely because so many people will be ignorant and believe everything they hear. Although some people will check the facts, the candidates can win votes through the lies they tell. At this point in the campaign, it does not necessarily matter that the ad is not true because by now most people have some what of an idea of who to vote for.

  6. Romney pulls this ad because even though it may not be factually true, not many people will actually check the facts. There are people who will check to see if it is true or not, but not enough to make an impact on the polls. I actually believed the ad before checking the facts, which means most people probably did also. At this point in the campaign the fact that this ad is false will probably not affect the poll in any way since there has been so many lies already.

  7. Romney will not pull the ad because he knows that some people will believe what is stated in the ad. The ad makes Obama look bad & makes Romney look better. It makes Obama look like a liar. Personally, I did not believe the ad because I know my facts & I know what is true & what is false. It was made to help out Romneys campaign & help him gain votes & make Obama lose votes. They tell lies because they want to look better because no one knows what is true & what is not without research, & many people will not research every single thing that is said to see if it is a lie or not. I think that most people have decided who they are going to vote for & why they are going to vote for them, but I do think that it does matter but there is nothing anyone can do about the lies told in ads to help campaigning.

  8. He put the ad up in hopes that it would draw in more votes from people who only get their information from tv ads. Anyone who reads about these online could see that it isn't true, but most people don't put that much effort in. They see the ads on tv while watching their favorite shows and take whatever meaning they want out of it. I think this is just Romney's way of trying to combat Obama's harsh claims even if Obama's claims had some truth to them in the first place. I considered the ad, but I know better than to believe a political ad at first glance. There may be a lot of people who will get the facts out but their are even more who will believe the ad without looking into it. It does matter if the ad is true, but not much. It may turn up later that an ad was a lie, but most are lies and no one will think much of it if the lie is discovered later.

  9. I believe Romney won't pull the ad because he's so far into the election that he believes people won't even bother to check the facts. He knows that they're likely to not check it, so by making it he's really only helping himself. I didn't believe the ad to begin with because it seemed far-fetched. I think politicians tell lies because they realize half of the people within their party are going to stick with them regardless of ignorant statements.

  10. I think Romney would keep the ad because he knows that there are people out there that will believe it and choose to vote for him because of it. I don't even really know what the ad is talking about so i don't really know if i believe it or not, i would need more background information on the issue. At this point i don't really think it matters because pretty much everyone already knows who they are going to vote for. There are a lot of people who probably don't even care about the ads anymore. Personally i just think theyre getting annoying because i have seen them so many times.

  11. Romney is not going to pull the ad because it is less than one week from election day. He put this ad up to appeal to voters in Ohio and that is a state that Romney needs to win in order to win the election. In Ohio there are alot of auto workers and this ad ws meant to scare them away from Obama. But at this point the truth almost does not matter it is just what the candatates can do to win votes.

  12. Romney isn't going to pull the ad when it is the final week before the election so it could be crucial to the votes he may or may no receive. This ad appeals to voters not only involved in the auto industry but just jobs in general. The auto industry just represents other industries because it well-known and has had some of the bigger problems the past few years. He doesn't want people to know the lie after he has set up a campaign based on honesty. This last week can be the most crucial.

  13. Romney doesn't pull the add because the election is almost over so the information saying it is false will not spread fast enough to become a problem. Some voters that are still undecided may be gullable and unedjucated so they might still believe it. I was just skeptical of the add at first. By the time the real facts become relavant to the public the election will be over with and the voters will not have time to change their minds. It doesn't matter if it is true or not because most voters allready know who they are voting for.

  14. Although this ad is not factually true, it does support Romney's position. If people hear that Chrysaler recalls Romney's claim then it will not be as effective. However Romney probably will not draw attention to this add because then more people will question his plans and ideas. If he does not say anything then there is a possibility that there will not be as much back lash as if he brings the attention into the light. I was weary about the ads "facts" when first viewing the ad because the facts were really not supported. Now that the chrysler story is out it really makes me feel like this is not the only lie that the Romney compaign has presented. At this ipoint in the campaign, it is really hared to see what is really true anymore. I do belioeve that facts are important but I do not see much truth comming into the light anytime soon.

  15. I think that the reason that he may not pull the ad because his advertising campaign has put so much money into the campaign and pulling the ad would just be losing the money that they have already invested in this ad. I didn't believe the ad because I was told before we watched the ad that it wasn't true. I think politicians say things that they mean to be true but the way that they say them comes out twisted and so far from the truth. Honestly, I don't think it matters if the ad is true or not because either way people are going to believe what they want to believe and vote for who they want to vote for.

  16. I do not know why Romney would not pull the ad. The only way this makes sense is if Romney believes that there are people who are not aware of the truth and the ad can still affect them. I guess the reason they tell lies is to try to make their opponent look bad but once everyone finds out that the facts that were given were all lies, it only makes them look bad. I do not think it matters at this point because most of the people that are going to vote have decided who they are going to vote for based on other issues.

  17. Romney, and Obama for that matter, continue to put ads on the air that are not truthful simply because a majority of the population won't fact check. Since so many citizens don't take the time to find out what is factual and what is fake, many are persuaded about whatever is put on TV. I think many people believe that everything that is put on TV is true. Too many viewers are mistaken that if it is on TV, it must be true. So, the politicians use this to their advantage. They continue to put ads like these on TV as long as people continue to believe them out of their lack for better knowledge. I think at this point in the campaign people know who they will vote for. If a voter is truly "undecided" I don't think TV ads can change their opinion if nothing else has swayed them one way or the other.

  18. The ad may attract or persuade viewers that do not know he is lying in his ad. Many viewers are too lazy to check the ad to see if it is factually accurate. He made this ad because he thought that it would persuade the viewers to vote for him in the presidential election. If the viewers have the idea that Obama is lying, even if Romney is too, they will be hesitant to vote for Obama because they think he is a liar. Yes, partially. I think it was effective because he used sources and explained how they could have been true. Obama also did give money to automotive companies, but he did not give them money for that particular purpose. They tel lies because they try to persuade their viewers. Even if they are lying the viewers will still have that idea in their head. Also, some viewers never learn the facts and they just base their vote off of the commercials and ads that they do see. Yes, the facts always matter. This country needs to know the truth and we need need to have the candidate that will do the best for out country. It is important that everyone knows that facts so they can accurately vote on who they want to be president.

  19. Romney probably keeps the ad up because he's hoping to get the most people he can to see his ad. I believed the ad at first because I am not informed on this presented issue. I think that politicians make up such lies even know there are fact checkers out there because they are hoping for the mass appeal of people to not ever look up the facts and see if it is true or not. Most people probably take these ads for face value and not research the facts and if they do that then the ad seems to be very real. The ad at this point of the campaign does not hold much ground but getting as much information out there can only help increase one's chances in winning the election.

  20. That's a good question, I really can't think of a reason why he wouldn't pull the ad. It would make more sense to just pull it, but then again, the election is just a couple days away. I guess maybe he made it thinking he knew all the facts, and made it go public on accident. I probably would have believed the ad if I didn't read the fact check, but now it makes more sense. They tell lies to get the people that won't catch them. Those lies are intended for the the one's who won't check everything, because in the end, the people that always check will always find something wrong with what the candidate is saying. Those fact checkers are the kind of people that will always be on the fence. I don't think it matters. What voter is going to completely change their mind when they've already made it up? Romney already said it wasn't true, so it seems like the issue might be okay.

  21. I believe that Romney most likely kept this ad because it could still possibly affect peoples decisions. Personally, I believe that it is somewhat pointless, because most people already have their opinions set in place and already know who they are going to be voting for.

  22. Romney possibly kept the advertisement on the market because he hoped that viewers would not take the time out of their day to research the facts. A large percentage of voters are uneducated and candidates often aim for that demographic. I was skeptical of all the information in the advertisement was thoroughly factual because of our intense study on discrepancies. All political candidates have strategies to stretch the truth. I think validity still matters regardless. One should never be sorry for telling the truth.

  23. Even though Romney knows that the ad isn't true, he probably doesn't feel like he needs to pull the ad. Romney probably thinks that the number of people who will actually fact check the ad is so few, that there isn't a real risk in running the ad. I have to say that I agree with him, because I know that I don't fact check every ad I see. The only reason that Romney made the ad, was to try to gain support from voters who can be easily persuaded. I did not believe this ad before I read the article. At this point, I don't believe anything political that I hear. Politicians can make these ads, even though they know there are fact checkers, because they know that there are people out there who will ignore the fact checkers and still believe the ads. At this point in the campaign, it doesn't matter if the ads are true or not, the candidates are just attempting to gain last minute support.

  24. I kind of have the feeling that candidates don't even pay much attention to what goes in their ads before they air until they get a wave a backlash that splashes in their face. I'm not sure why he hasn't pulled the ad yet, but honestly it's not like Obama has never made an ad that's not exactly true. Romeny probably made the ad because issues such as Chrysler and the auto companies has been a big deal in past years for government and the Obama Administration. I'm not sure I exactly believed the ad, but that's probably due to us reading Unspun and watching past political ads and their validity. I think candidates tell blatant lies because even though facts are checked people just don't really care most of the time. I don't think it really matters at this point in the campaign that the ad isn't true. Many people have already made their decision on the campaign and people that haven't decide are more likely to just accept what they see in the ads as true.

  25. Mittens keeps the ad because people who are not informed will believe it. He probably made it originally to persuade those who will not research the validity. I did not believe the ad before reading the article because I think Obama would not risk moving large productions like that to China while still in office. It would risk too much. Politicians tell obvious lies because, although plenty of people do get the facts, there are still a lot of people who simply believe what their ads say. It does not matter whether or not the ad is true because it is essentially too late for people to look it up. I think.

  26. I think that he won't pull the ad because he is already so far into the election and he probably does not think that people will really check the facts to see if it is true or not. I didn't really believe the ad to begin with. It just seemed weird and untruthful. I think that politicians lie because they know that lots of people won't check the facts and they are just trying to win and get ahead of the opponent. At this point, I really don't think that it matters that the ad is a lie. Most people have already decided who they will vote for so it won't really change anything or matter.


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