Thursday, September 20, 2012

Journal 9/20

Think about the past week. What kinds of interactions did you have where you had to/tried to persuade others to your way of thinking or acting? List all of the interactions you can remember--even the small and insignificant ones. Then select one interaction and describe the persuasive tactics you used in your attempt to persuade (name the tactics if you can).


  1. Earlier this week I tried talking me mom into taking to go buy a shirt, buy my favorite junkfood at the grocery store, and to get my hair dyed soon. Last night I talked my mom into getting pedicures. I talked her into it by telling her how much she would love it and how she deserved it from working so hard and told her how she hasn't done anything for herself lately. She had also been complaing about how bad her feet looked so she needed one anyways. Turned out she really did enjoy it while we were getting them so I guess it was a good thing that I talked her into it.

  2. Today, I persuaded my mom to come pick me up after school so I didn't have to ride the bus. I used responsible language. I informed her of my situation, which was a very intense one, and she decided that it would be best to come get me after school.

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  4. I persuaded my sister to make me dinner and get me several drinks over the past week. I also persuaded her to give my a sticker. I persuade Lauren to do a lot of things so I'll just stop there. I persuaded my stepdad to bring home Chinese food. I also persuaded my boyfriend to record a show for me. I also persuaded mt older sister to let me borrow some of her DVDs. The one that took the longest was my stepdad. He was out driving around and I asked him if Jimmy Jeng's was on the way home he said no. So I asked if it would be on the way if he took the long way home. He said that that would be ridiculous, but in a joking matter. It was more playful banter than anything. The persuasive tactics would include personal appeal, beating around the bush, and a little guilt.

  5. Yesterday night, I tried to convince my mother on what we should eat for dinner that night. I told her how pizza sounded like a great food to eat for dinner instead of her home cooking because it would cause less work to be produced by her part. I used a sweet voice. I also made a compromise with her to clean my room if we went and got pizza from a restaurant instead of home making it. Another tactic I used was trying to use interesting and appealing words to appeal to her appetite since she loves pizza too. Lastly, i stretched out the conversation of what we should have for dinner to at least an hour, so her hunger would start to kick in. Once she was hungry and tired of aruging over what to eat for dinner, she would give in and settle for the quick fix of ordering pizza.

  6. I talked my mother into buying me a puppy for my birthday, I convinced her by telling her that I was a good student, and that it'll be my birthday and Christmas present, and I told her that I would train it and everything! I also, convinced my sister to buy me exactly what I wanted for my birthday before she left for Germany. I convinced her by telling her that I missed her so much and I was really hoping that she would allow me to have my birthday present before she left.

  7. My interaction was between my mom and I. I was trying to convince her of how good my grades actually were even though she thought differently. I tried to reason with her the difficulty of the classes I was taking and how I had managed to do very well in those classes. Then I tried to explain that how on some quizzes there are only five questions and if you miss one, you then have a C right away on that quiz. So there isn't a lot of room for error. Lastly, I tried to convince her of how good the grades are considering the busy schedule of balancing the schoolwork and soccer. I have managed to have done very well through this period but I'm still trying to convince my mother of that. We both expect me to do well.

  8. Over the past week, there were many events that took place in my life that involved persuasion. For example, I wanted to convince my parents to buy me an iphone 5 for my birthday, I convinced a teacher to allow me to print a paper in their class, and I also persuaded my dad to watch the television show that I wanted to watch. One of the most significant persuasions I made in the past week was on Sunday night, the night of my best friend's birthday. That night two other friends and I went out to eat in celebration of her birthday. After the exciting dinner, we simply did not want to end the night so early. However, the one issue was that it was a school night. I was very doubtfult that my mom would give me permission to stay out later on a school night. I decided to ask my mom if she would allow my freinds to spend the night. Giving it was a school night, her first reaction was a definite no. However, once I began stating my reasons for letting them come she began to change her mind. I told her that we would work on homework, and help each other out. Also, I said we would be quiet by ten and asleep by 10:30. I used logos to describe to her that my argument truly was not just for my own entertainment. In the end, my mother allowed my friends to spend the night and we followed the rules without any trouble.

  9. I tried to persaude my friend to agree that my sister was wrong for hiding perfume from me. I persauded my friend to talk to another teacher for help. I persuaded my sister to stay after school with me to help me clean and then go to the tennis match. I also attempted to persuade my Dad to take us to Los Bravos for dinner.

    When I tried to persuade my friend to be on my side of the fight between my sister and I, I know I made it seem like I wasn't in the wrong, and made my sister look like the bad guy. I didn't state anything that I had done wrong, but that everything was my sister's fault. I also made it seem like I was all knowing and knew all the background of why my sister was acting like this. I also told her that my sister was lying and that I just knew it, since she's my friend she assumed that I was right, and since she's my friend she's practically already on my side, which could be another tactic.

  10. The other day I tried to convince my mom to go shopping. Although it did not worked, I told my mom that we could go shopping and spend time together. My mom complains that I am never home with all of my activities outside of school, and that when I am home I stay in my room usually working on homework, so I thought that us going shopping would be a good way to spend some quality time together. I told her that she could even shop for herself and get her something new to wear as well, but in the end it did not work.

  11. This week there was a big addition to the Apple Corporation. The new Iphone 5 was introduced. This was a really big deal for many people involved with Apple products. I usually do not care, but since I still have the oldest Iphone i really want the newest Iphone. I wanted to persuade my parents to buy me a the new one. I mainly used tone my to get across how much I wanted this, also I used stern eye contact. I used logos to prove that it would be logical for me to have one. I could use the phone for so many great things. When I used my tone I was talking to my mom and I begged without being whiny. I also tried to tell her it would be beneficial for me to have and I used a very confident and intelligent tone and language. I made sure that I knew all of the improvements on the new phone so that I could prove to my mother how much better the phone was. i also brought up pictures so she could visually see how amazing the phone looked and the quality of it.

  12. I user persuasion a lot when it comes to getting things from my parents. I have used persuasion to get them to order me my favorite pizza from my favorite pizza place. I've used tactics such as "but I'm sick.." or "but I did good on a test" or something that they are proud of me for or something that I can get sympathy out of. I use the guilt trip to make them get me what I asked for. I have used these tactics for many other situations, even situations with friends to get them to go somewhere with me.

  13. The other day I tried to persuade my boss to let me stay a few extra hours to earn a little extra cash. I told him about how hard i had worked and how I can easily persuade people to buy more items. I told him that I would be able to raise our UPT by at least .5 and that I would raise our SPT by 10. I got to stay for more hours.

  14. Earlier this week I was trying to convince my sister to come over to our house instead of me going to her apartment. I mentioned that while she is a poor college student, I am the even poorer high school student that is still hlafway living off of my parents. I told her that I have even less opportunitites than she soes to work. i brought up the fact that she works most nights for three to six hours, while I only work two days a week for about nine hours. I also had homework that night and she didn't, so it would be easier for her to come over than for me to load all of my books into my car drive out to her apartment, then load all of my books back into my car and drive home only to repeat the loading process. Plus, she did not have class until 10 the next morning so she could be at our house later than I could be at her apartment. In the end, I got her to come over and distract me from my homework!

  15. This week I can only remember of two times where I tried to persuade others to my way of thinking or acting. I tried to persuade my father into calling Dr Dashboard to change my appointment time to earlier. The other example was when I tried to convince my father again that I was much to busy to do chores around the house. My tactics used during this discussion were my tone of voice and the use of examples. I used a tired and almost whinny voice to express my disgust for trying to complete my chores. The used examples to show how busy I am. I brought up soccer games, practices everyday after school, honors and AP homework every night and church three times a week. I tried to persuade him that I was just too busy to take out the trash and physically exhuasted at the end of the day from all my other activities.

  16. -There were many times this past week that I had to use persasive tactics. For student council I had to talk to many differnt car companies to find someone who would provide cars for homecoming. I had to use logos which is a logical persuasive tactic. I told them that I would advertise their company the night of homecoming. Also when I had to talk to the manager on the phone, I tried to have a more adult tone so they would not think they were giving cars to a crazy person who would damage them. In this case my persuasive techniques were very successful.
    - In another senario I convinced my mom to let me get an iphone. I made a deal with her saying that I would help pay for the phone. This made the whole situaiton a lot more apealing on her part, so she was willing to compromise.
    - I also tried to convince my teacher to let me go somewhere on the "no pass wednesday". I told him that I needed to work on a project, which was true. I persuaded him by being trustworthy in the past, so he know my intentions were true. Also I used pathos because I told him how much I really needed to get done, so he felt bad and let me go get help from a teacher.

  17. This week I talked my mom into buying food that I wanted at the grocery store, I talked her into making what I wanted for dinner, I persuaded my dad to give me gas money, I persuaded my sister to wash the dishes, I tried to persuade the lady at the gas station to use my dad's card without his ID, I persuade people to buy donuts at work, and I talked my sister into doing chores for me. When I was at the grocery store with my mom and I wanted a food that she did not want to buy I would tell her things like its nutrition facts to get her to buy it. I would also assure her that I would eat it all and that it would taste very good. I had to have a very positive attitude and when persuading I had to be careful not to pick fights that would not end well.

  18. This past week I persuaded my mom into letting me go see my friends tennis match, my teacher letting me to leave early so i could get a tuberculosis test, and persuaded my friends into what type of pizza we were going to eat. On Sunday i convinced my boss into letting me wear polos instead of changing to button up shirts. I am the only busser where i work, so it would be easier to tell me apart from the waiters if i were to wear something different. I have been called to tables before because they have thought i was a waiter, but i had to tell them that i could not help because i am not a busser. I told him this and he decided it would be okay if were to wear a polo instead.

  19. I had a conversation`with my friend Amber yesterday about how she doesn't read books. I tried to convince her that books and reading are very beneficial and fun. I also tried to persuade my friend Aubrey into taking the lyrical class. I also had to persuade Cayley into giving me a ride home after dance last night. In my conversation with Amber I tried to tell her that books are fun and essentially used my personal view on fictional books to convince her that they're just as good as non fiction book. I also told her that reading fictional books can be just as beneficial as reading non-fictional books. I even tried telling her that the fiction books she had been reading had possibly not been the right ones for her.

  20. This past week there were several occasions when I tried to persuade people to see my side of an argument. I tried to persuade my grandparents to take me to dinner, my mom to take me shopping, my friend to come to the game Friday, my mom to get a Dairy Queen cake for my dad's birthday, and my friend to give me a shirt she didn't fit in anymore. To persuade my mom to get a DQ cake for my dad's birthday I told her how it would benefit her and that my dad would love us even more if we gave him an ice cream cake. She ended up getting an ice cream cake because I convinced her that's what my dad would really want because I reminded her when it was my birthday he kept telling her to get an ice cream cake since that's what he really wanted.

  21. This week I persuaded my father to take me out to dinner since my mother was out of town. I differed my diction and tone of voice. I sweetly said "Dad, can we please go out to dinner since Mom will not be home this week?" In the course of the conversation I included that since it was a Friday night and I had been having a stressful week going out would be a pleasant treat. Also, this week a friend and I were discussing genres of music. He argued that there were only two different genres of music melodic and hardcore; however, I told him I believed there were more than two genres of music. I did so by listing all different kinds such as country, rock, jazz, reggae, pop, and so on.

  22. I convinced my sister that Olsen really isn't evil and that his tests are not that bad. I convinced her by telling her that I went through the same thing. I convinced my brother to get me a water bottle by asking nicly.

  23. I have an awful memory so there isn't much for me to remember. One thing I do remember is arguing with my mother on what we should have had for dinner. I wanted Mexican, and she wanted fast food. Instead of compromising with Taco Bell, I convinced her that sitting down in a Mexican restaurant as a family would be more benefecial and healthy than driving through Taco Bell and spending an hour in the bathroom. Because of my superb points, she caved in and we had delicious Mexican food that night. Another interaction that has been happening for several years is a debate over the existence of Johnny Appleseed. But that has a lot of details that I do not have time to explain at the time. The last interaction I will speak of is convincing someone that Harry Potter is better than Twilight. Twilight is about a love triangle between the three main characters, whereas Harry Potter is about overcoming fears and troubles. Stephen King said, "Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doingwhat is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend."

  24. Earlier this week, I convinced my parents to go out to eat, I convinced someone to make a few changes to a group project that I have to do with them, and I convinced a friend to lend me a few dollars. Out of the three, convincing my friend to lend me a few dollars was the easiest. To convince him to lend me the money, I appealed to the fact that I was his friend, and that I would do the same for him.


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