Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Journal 8/28

Briefly describe the TED video you watched: title, speaker, content, and intended audience (include the link if you can). What were your thoughts? Was the speaker convincing? Why? Why not?


  1. The TED video i watched was about solar power air conditioning. In the video, Wolfgang Kessling talks about creating a solar powered air conditioning system for outdoor games or concerts. The intended audience is anyone who is willing to help fund this project. I thought it would be really nice to have this and that it would increase the number of people that attend outdoor games and concerts. I also thought the speaker was very convincing and explained his thoughts and reasoning extremely well.

  2. The TED video I watched was a talk by Max Little about Parkinson's. He proposed how it could be detected with a phone call as opposed to an expensive doctor's appointment. The likely audience would be health conscious people around 40-50 years old. I thought it was very interesting and he seemed to know what he was talking about. His idea seemed plausible. His tone was gentle and encouraging and it made the listener want to be part of his project. He was very convincing because he drew the listener in with his tone and his ideas were well thought out and easy to understand.

  3. I watched the video "The Real Difference Between Success and Winning." It was presented by Coach John Wooden.The intended audience was not only sports players but anyone looking for a challenge and how to overcome it. I found the video to be very interesting. I liked to hear from one of the greatest coaches of all-time in sports and the advice he had to give. Some things that he said was the correct steps towards being successful was simple, everyday things I could easily follow. I also found it very interesting to discover Wooden's background and the values of faith he had been brought up by. I thought John Wooden was very convincing by providing just the personal experiences he had and how he learned from them. He shared much confidence and seemed wise in the fact that he had been there and done that. http://blog.ted.com/2009/03/26/coach_john_wooden/

  4. The TED talks video I watched was "The Fringe Benefits of Failure". The speaker was Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling. Her speech was given as the Harvard commencement address for the graduating class of 2011. She spoke about how failure is a natural part of life; it is inevitable. She essentially spoke about how we can learn from failure and use our failures to gain more knowledge and strength to accomplish what we set out for. I personally agreed 100% with her speech, and believe that making mistakes and failing is important for our learning and growing processes as people. I believe that we have to learn from the past failures to help make future successes. In her speech, J.K. Rowling was very convincing and used her past experiences from the time before Harry Potter was published to illustrate her point. She also added subtle humor to her speech, and real-life and relateable examples for the graduates, young adults, and dreamers to understand and connect with as they were listening to her speech.

  5. I watched the video by Lisa Kristine that was called "Photos that bear witness to modern slavery." The video was was about the slavery that still occurs today in many parts of the world. The video included images that brought out emotion and sympathy for the humans pictured. The intended audience would be individuals who are willing to take action and want to help change the screwed up ways of our world. I thought the speaker was convincing. Her tone along with the images she had captured made me want to stand up and go help the people. Lisa's overall presentation was very moving and to me that means she did well convincing her audience that something needs to be done about modern slavery.

  6. I watched the video titled "How Your Brain Tells You Where You Are" by Neil Burgess. The content was discussing the science behind how your brain tells you where to go when you park in a parking lot. The intended audience was adults or maybe college age students, possibly people who are involved with neuroscience or people who are interested in how the brain functions. I thought this video was very interesting, I enjoyed the topic because I found it to be intriguing. The speaker was very convincing because he used a very broad vocabulary and his vocabulary helped to expand on his idea and help the audience better understand what he was trying to convey.


  7. http://www.ted.com/talks/damon_horowitz_philosophy_in_prison.html
    The title of the video that I watch was Philosphy in Prison. The speaker was Damon Horowitz and his intended audience was probably potintail donars to his prison project. My thoughts on this is that he seemed to know about what he taking about and that the speaker seemed to be fairly intelegint. He was pretty conviensing because he was passionate about what he talked about and he did it intelegently.

  8. The video i watched was called Neil Harbisson: I Listen to Color. The speech was by Neil Harbisson, a man who was born color blind. In his speech he talks about a device that he has gotten that sees the colors for him. When the device sees a color it turns it into an audible frequency. He talks about how it has helped to better to see things round him since he cannot not see their color. His is focused more on people who might have the same disabality or want to know about this technology as his audience. The way he talked about this device and how it has helped him was really cool. He has been able to do so much more now that he can know the colors. The world was opened up by a single piece of technology.


  9. Julian Baggini. Is there a real you? http://www.ted.com/talks/julian_baggini_is_there_a_real_you.html
    The speaker ask rhetorical questions throughout the video. He also asks philosophical questions. He gives many explanations as to why people think we are they way we are. He then explains why he thinks we are the way we are. The intended audience are philosophers, or people looking for answers about what affects their personality. I thought this video was interesting, because it gave a different perspective. He gave many explanations about why he thinks humans are the way we are. He does not state his personal opinion till the end of the video, which kept me watching. I believe that he was, he knew all of his information and expressed it in a persuasive way. I think he did a good job explaining what he was trying to persuade to his audience, while also keeping them intrigued.

  10. I watched The Fringe Benefits of Failure by J.K. Rowling. Ms. Rowling was asked to give the commencment speech at Harvard in 2008. She told her audience, the newly graduated Harvard students, some of her life after she graduated college. She told them about her career failure just after her graduation, which led to inspiring her to become a famous writer. Her point was to let them know that failing in a goal can be the foundation of a new goal, and that they should not take life for granted. I thought it was a fantastic speech. Ms. Rowling was incredibly convincing, and she inspired me to try harder at avoiding failure. She was convincing because of the surprising reality of her own former experiences, and because she is J.K. Rowling.

  11. The TED video I watch was called How to step up in the face of disaster. The speakers were Caitria and Morgan O'Neil. They included details of the efforts they have made in disaster relief and what we as citizens can and should be doing to help. The intended audience was anyone who has the ability to help with disaster relief or anyone who has the means to fund their program. I thought the video was very interesting because I never knew one person could do so much for such a huge cause. I thought the speakers were very convincing becuase not only did they come up with the idea they were speaking about, they also put it into action.

  12. The TED video that I watched was called "A Tale of Mental Illness- From the Inside" by a woman named Elyn Saks. I think the video was meant for pretty much anyone who is interested about hearing, but especially psychiatrists and doctors. The video was pretty much Elyn telling her sotry and talking about her mental illness and the experiences that have come along with it. I personally thought that the her speech was very interesting. I know people who have mental illnesses and to be able to view what it is like from the inside made me see it a different way. She also talked about there needs to be more research about her certain mental illness. There needs to be more research in order to have better treatment available. I did think that she was convincing because from telling her own story, it makes you actually want to help out with getting more research and treatment available.

  13. I watched "I Listen to Color" spoken by Neil Harbisson. He talked about how since he was born colorblind he wears a device on his head to hear color frequencies. He can now hear colors and sees the world with color instead of in greys. His adudience was artist and other color blind people. It was gret to see how much hope he gave to people by being able to listen to color, which some colors he was able to hear that were not even within the range of human sight. It was strange to think that what we percieve is doen so with all oof our senses not just one.

  14. I watched the video entitled Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food.Jamie Oliver is transforming the was we feed our nation. He hopes to teach his audience about preventing obesity by rebooting food choices. Oliver describes how obesity effects everyone and follows several families who are making unhealthy food choices and teaches them how to improve. He provides a tangible way to make a change. He expects people will make healthier decisions to live longer for themselves and loved ones and that schools will take a better look at foods they are serving. He primarily targets parents with children in schools but he also encompasses the general public.Jamie Oliver is very assertive and thoughtful when he states that obesity is a major issue. I really enjoyed watching his piece because I was familiar with him. I have watched his cooking show on the Food Network.

  15. On TED talks, I watched "I listen to color", by Neil Haribisson. Neil was born with complete color blindness, only seeing the color grey. He did a lot of studies, and found that he could hear color. He used frequencies to notify the different colors, by using a computer eye, attached kind of like a headband. He not only heard colors, but also heard ultra violet and infared, colors that normal humans cannot see. I think he intended this speech for maybe researchers, doctors, optomitrists, and probably even other people with complete color blindness. I also think he probably intended this for average people, just to share his amazing story, and the good that has come out of it. I really liked this video, and walked away feeling not only very lucky, but also very inspired. The way he dealt with his situation and acted, was so mature and almost a little comical. He wasn't afraid to be silly and say humorous things to not only keep the audiences attention, but also show that he is perfectly happy.

    Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/neil_harbisson_i_listen_to_color.html

  16. The TED video I watched was titled Obesity + Hunger = 1 global food issue. Ellen Gustafson gave a presentation about the global food system, and she explained that many people in the world are obese, while others are starving. The goal of her presentation was to present her ideas to important people involved in the food system of the world to accept her ideas of changing the global food system. I believed that Ellen was extremely convincing because she was confident and prepared while giving her speech. Also, she included humor in her presentation to give the audience a relaxed feeling while listening. I thought that her presentation was convincing and persuasive because she used the rhetoric forms of pathos and logos in her argument. She used pictures of starving children, and also gave believable statistics about obesity and hunger.


  17. The title of the video I watched was "Building the Musical Muscle", by Charles Limb. The content of this video was to inform the audience about the way that people who have hearing loss hear the music compared to others without hearing loss. My general thoughts about this video, was that it was actually very interesting to see how one little thing can take music that is so beautiful and recreate it into a noise no one would want to hear. The speaker was convincing others that people with certain types of hearing loss hear certain things completely different than people without hearing loss. Although with the technology today, doctors can help to make noise more pleasing to hear, but they are still trying to create a new technology that can help bring every bit of hearing loss back.

  18. This weekend I watched the TED video about a possible solution for blindness caused by macular degeneration. The presenter was Sheila Nirenberg and it was called "A Prosthetic Eye to Treat Blindness". In this presentation she talked about some of the reasearch she has been doing to come up with a cure for this blindness. She invented a mechinism that sends photo signals to the brain. For this presentation I thought the intended audience would be Optomitrists searching for a cure for this desiese caused blindess. Also these scientists would have to be interested in expanding or even disproving the information the speaker has come up with. These two characteristics are key in her intended audience. I thought the information in this article was very interesting and thought provolking. However, for many reasons I did not find it very convincing. The speaker's tone was very serioud and solom. She did not speak with much excitement about her discoveries. Also she was not very confident in her work even though it was all scientificly correct, she did not present it in an eloquent and secure way. I think that if she would have been a little more enthusiastic and confident, the material would have a more over all powerful look. To find out more about this presenter and her information, here is the link:http://www.ted.com/talks/sheila_nirenberg_a_prosthetic_eye_to_treat_blindness.html

  19. I watched the video "How to fool a GPS" by Todd Humphreys. The intended audience would be GPS owners and those who fear the loss of their privacy through new technologies. I personally liked the video and enjoyed learning about the topic. The speaker did a good job of explaining his point and included interesting facts about the up and coming world of GPS technologies that we are on the brink of. The speaker was convincing because he used simple language and reason that everyone in the room or watching could follow and understand. He showed both sides of the new technological advancements, both pros and cons. I not only learned about new advancements in the "GPS world" but realized our blind dependence on our GPS's. He made it a point to state that with these new technologies we will be able to do things we could of never done before, but it comes at a price.

  20. The title was Strange Answers to the phsyco path test. The speaker was the writer of the book being promoted who was on a stage in front of a large audience. The content was the speaker, the stage, the audience, and the screen behind the speeker. The intended audience was phsycopaths, phsycologists, and potential book readers.I believe that his argument was valid and the problem he exposed needs to be adressed properly. I thought the speaker was very convincing because he gave good evidence supporting his argument. Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/jon_ronson_strange_answers_to_the_psychopath_test.html

  21. The Ted video I watched was called "Ellen Gustafson: Obesity + Hunger = 1 Global Food Issue". The speaker was Ellen Gustafson, the FEED,Inc Poeple, and the 30 Project People. In the content, there was a well-dressed, blond white woman. This symbolizes the typical "pretty" woman. She presented a very smart, yet simple presentation. She included humor and was very well-spoken. The intended audience was probably farmer and or the United Nations World Food Program people. Also the audience could have been empathetic rich Americans around the ages of 25-65, who are usually fed well. My thoughts about this were very aggreable to the speaker, because I believe everyone should have the opportunity to be fed well and healthy. Every child is important in our world, and they should be fed properly even if they are not able to afford well-balanced meals every day. I agree that we, Americans, who are fed well, should help poorer families in other countries to have good meals to eat. Starvation is a big problem, but if we all chip in to help, we could definately solve the problem of hunger. The speaker was very convincing in her speech, and she used great enthusiam and spirit to put across her message. She put herself more into the presentation and created a personal influence into the audience. She used her wit and funny charm to interest her audience to agree with her. I was very convinced to donate money and help hunger in other countries.

  22. The title of the Ted video that I watched is The Art of Creating Awe. The speaker is Rob Legato, who was the director of many blockbuster hits, such as the Titanic or Apollo 13. Throughout his presentation, Legato included many of the shots that have become famous from his movies, such as the launch of Apollo 13, to help get his point across. Legato also used humor throughout his presenation, often times picking on himself, to help keep the audience interested in his presentation. I believe that his intended audience is anyone who has a love more movies, or anyone potential director that wants to make people believe that they are actaully in the movie. I thought it was very cool to be able to see some behind the scenes footage from some of the best known movies in history. I do not think that Legato was trying argue anything, but was instead trying to make people see movies in a whole new light.

  23. The video I watched was "How To Tie Your Shoes" by Terry Moore. He explained that most people have been taught the incorrect way to tie their shoes. Most people make a loop and then wrap the opposite lace around it in a clockwise circle making a "weak" knot. Moore said that the correct way to tie a "strong" knot is to wrap the opposite lace in a counter-clockwise circle. Moore's audience is anyone with shoes with laces. He is informing his audience of the correct way to tie shoes.

  24. The TED video I watched was about having solar power air conditioning. It talked about having this for like outdoor activities such as concerts, fairs, sports games, etc. I think the intended audience would be anyone who feels that this would be a good idea, like sports fans and many other people who do lots of outdoor events. I think that this would be great for helping all the people that would attend the games or concerts. They could stay cool and I also think that many more people would attend. It would help people be more comfortable. I think that the speaker did a good job at convincing me of this, which it probably did other people too. He also was very good with conveying his thoughts and did a good job.


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